Monday, January 14, 2013

Knitting Goals 2013 - Part Two

Part two of my knitting goals has to do with future projects and stash managment.

I'm no longer in a place where I stash yarn just to stash it.  Other than a skein or two as a souvenir, I won't buy anything unless there's a specific project for it and I have nothing in my stash that will work. There's really not a project I couldn't accommodate with my stash, other than perhaps for a baby.

I recently cleaned up my ravelry queue.  There are so many beautiful things within it!  I have a small handful of sweaters and shawls I hope to do in 2013, but I will go with whatever compels me at the moment I am ready to cast on.  My true goal is to just use up some of the older stash, especially sweater lots.

In my queue and vying for my needles are:

1.  Dark and Stormy - Thea Colman  I want to use my Shepherds Wool from Mackinac Island for this.  The photo is not showing the color well - the yarn is a very rich purple.

2.  I bought the Eco Wool for this sweater when it came out in Knit Scene in 2009!  Heather Hoodie Vest

3. I think this "vintage" yarn is destined to become a Plain and Simple Pullover provided I can make the yardage work.

4.  I need to add some shawls to my rotation.  Phil bought me some lovely wool for Christmas - and though it's not deep stash, I'd love to knit it.   This is Imperial Yarn in the Columbia worsted - with which I plan to knit The Lonely Tree Shawl

5.  I've been wanting to  knit a Multnomah for ages.  There are so many pretty ones in ravelry!  I have a lot of yarns to choose from too - but I think I'm leaning toward a natural variegated yarn I bought from Green Mountain Spinnery in 2011 at the WI Sheep and Wool Festival.   I'm not sure yet, but I really love this yarn.

I hope to a few pairs of socks, and a sweater for each of my kids this next year too - but nothing is an actual resolution or certain.  These projects have been on my mind for awhile, so that tends to mean I won't get sick of them as I work on them.  My last two sweaters are gray so I'm looking forward to working with a vibrant purple!

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